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                 K R I S T E N' S    C O L L E C T I O N

		This text file contains sexually explicit
		material. If you do not wish to read this
		type of literature, or you are under age,

			Scroll down to view text

Archive name: Major.txt (mm, seduce)
Authors name: R.D. Webster (candlewax@aol.com)
Story title : Minor League Ball Player

This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 1996.
Please do not remove the author information or make
any changes to this story. You may post freely to non-
commercial "free" sites, or in the "free" area of
commercial sites. Thank you for your consideration.

	I worked at a construction Company in Cincinnati
and was a proposal editor in the marketing department.
My boss was a blonde haired, bow-legged beefcake former
minor league baseball player with, you guessed it, a
wife and kid.  Bummer.  He was in excellent shape after
being out of the league for about 3 years, (he was only
in the league for a couple of months before he was cut
because of a pulled hamstring.)

	He was pretty bright for a sports guy, but it
was pretty obvious that he was hired by a good old boy
network of men in the construction biz.

	Ever since I worked at this place, this guy made
me horny.  After hours, this guy would walk around with
his shirt untucked and his pants undone, like he was at
home in the privacy of his own home or something.  Real-
ly weird, but I fucking loved it.

	I'm no former baseball player, but girls always
fawn all over me, poor things; I've got a decent mus-
cular build, 5-9"  with meaty legs and some balls that,
well, they're pretty low hangers when it's hot out, and
a cock that grows to a huge 8" when I'm about to unload.
I play sports and folks usually don't know that I'm gay,
for whatever reason. 

	My boss didn't know I wanted him real bad,
either.  And he never made out like he ever even thought
of looking at me twice, but I did notice that he felt so
comfortable with me around that he would play "pretend
gay" games when he was in a joking mood.  For instance,
once this guy patted my ass when I walked out of his
office, and said "I can't help it, buddy, I haven't had
any! Heheh" .  He made it like a silly joke.

	He kept doin' this and doin this.  It got more
and more explicit, too.  One day in summer he was talk-
ing about how horny he was, and it was just he and I in
his office, and he kept saying how much he wanted to get
laid that he used to say shit like "I could even take a
blow job from a homeless guy, a fucking goat."  He would
close his eyes and lean way back in his chair with his
thighs slung wide apart to show his fucking meaty bas-
ket. Balls the size of fucking kiwi fruits.  One packed
neatly on the left side of the crotch seam on his dress
pants, and the other, you could see from the outline,
nestled on the right side. 

	The way he sat, his pants road up like a pair of
jockey shorts; his cock, appearing erect--it had to be
erect because it stretched from the tightly packed balls
all the way up, pointing to the his left pocket, and if
he had his hand even resting at the top of the pocket,
he could have felt his own hard knob jutting through the
pocket.  He was so hot I would just fucking stare at him
for as long as I could until he opened his eyes!

	Anyway, one night we were working late on this
proposal and I ended up having to type the damn thing
myself on one of the computers because the rest of the
staff had prior engagements.  Anyway, I am typing up
this damn construction proposal, and Derek, this blonde
baseball stud, my boss, comes up real close to the key-
board, kind of joking and says something stupid like,
"can you proof this?"  and he is just standing there
fully clothed, but with a huge fucking hard-on--like
nine inches at least-- pointing up left, like before.
Icouldn't fucking believe it. 

	I looked up at him, and he fucking stared at me
like, "touch it, touch it".  I looked down, and he was
wearing his gray suit, which wasn't the tightest suit or
anything, but I could see the outline of his huge nut-
sack, his unbelievable fucking cock, and a fucking wet
spot near the top of the left pocket. 

	"Jesus, what are you fucking horny or what?"  I
couldn't think of anything else to say.

	"Whoa, yea, this time I'm not kidding, you gotta
help me out, here, my man."

	I lifted my hand slowly from the keyboard and I
grabbed at the outline of his ballsack.  I pinched be-
tween what I thought where his balls would be and I held
his ballsack between my thumb and forefinger.  I pulled
gently at the ballsack, tugging so that his cock attach-
ed would kind of dance around in his pants.  He groaned
this kind of high pitched moan, and I undid his belt and
then his pants.

	When I undid the zipper, I did it real slow and
wanted to see what kind of shorts he was wearing.  He
was wearing white Hanes briefs, and as I pulled the
pants down, it was incredible.  His balls were huge, but
they were riding up and separating so that his nuts
spread apart from each other in the briefs which were
pretty tight.  And then, the humongous rod almost pro-
truding from the top of the shorts with a bigger spot on
them than was on the pants. 

	I tugged at the left leg opening of his briefs
and stretched it across the front of his nutsack, and I
saw them.  They were fucking huge, pink nuts with brown-
ish-blonde hair peaking out from the sides in back of
them.  But the most interesting thing was that they were
riding up like he was going to come, and there was an
extra skin from his ballsack that I could see from the
underside of this groin, leading to his butcheeks in
back--he was jutting his nutsack so far up and forward
that I could see the underside of his ballsack leading
to his meaty ass! 

	I put my mouth-- not on his nuts-- but right in
between them as they rode up toward his rod, all the
time stretching the briefs off to the side.  It was like
I was sucking the very base of his shaft, right where it
starts on the under side, and then, I grabbed his nuts
with my lips and sucked them until they hung down a
little more. 

	I pulled his briefs down, and his huge fucking
cock sprung away from the moist briefs and there was a
little spider web-like silver thread of come that con-
nected the whitish-pink head to the briefs. 

	He moaned real high again when I stuck out my
ready tongue and laid it right on the under side of the
head of the guy's knob and I squeezed my mouth around
the rod pushing all the way down the shaft.

	He couldn't fucking handle it!  He grabbed my
head and screamed with a closed mouth and he fucking
shot hot come down the back of my throat and the roof
of my mouth. It must have been like, six huge spurts,
the last two were outside my mouth because he pulled out
and grabbed his shaft-tip with his major-league sized
hand pumping the two last strings of jiz on to the rug.
	He said "whoa, that was out of control, man.
Shit, whew! Heheh" and he felt a little embarrassed and
he started pulling his pants back up.

	"Don't tell anyone about this, okay man?"

	I said something like, "Jesus, don't YOU tell

	He didn't fucking reciprocate or anything, which
I was pissed about, that fucking premature sports stud!
What a laugh.  Anyway, it was hot.

		T H E   E N D

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It’s okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
strangers. But it isn’t okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex
with strangers!!  You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kristen's collection - Directory 4